Today, I mortared the lower part of the chimney. You can see the way the sides are stair-stepping in - that is the corbel.
I'm almost out of mortar. A trip to Portland will be in the next couple of days to pick up another couple of buckets of mortar. I'll not be caught short the rest of this kiln - I'm getting 2 buckets of mortar!
There is enough mortar for a couple more rows. Each row is fewer bricks for another 15 rows or so. No rain is forecast for this next week, so only short daylight and cold keeps my worktime outside short. And I thought it was tough grinding bricks in 100 degree weather just a couple of months ago. This high 30's is brrr- cold to work in.
Thats not corbled , corbled is when brick are not resting on a firm base and your brick are siting on a footing so they are steps. By the way you should not do brickwork whenthe weather is bbelow 16c and 30f is below 15c. there is a possibilty of the frost expanding and crack.